The 38th National Games are set to begin in Uttarakhand on January 28, 2025. Marking the commencement, the Tejaswini Torch Relay was launched on Thursday at the Indira Gandhi International Sports Complex, Gaulapar. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and Sports Minister Rekha Arya flagged off the relay in a ceremony held at the badminton hall. The torch will travel across all 13 districts of the state, covering a distance of 3823 kilometers.
Speaking at the event, CM Dhami emphasized that the Tejaswini Torch would inspire athletes to achieve excellence and fuel their passion for outstanding performance. Encouraging the participants, he urged them to strengthen their resolve to reach the pinnacle of sports. Sports Minister Rekha Arya motivated players to rewrite history by securing a spot for Uttarakhand among the top five states in the Games.
The relay journey began from Shaheed Park on Nainital Road and proceeded to the Mini Stadium. Olympian Rajendra Rawat and other national and international athletes carried the torch during the relay. The Tejaswini Torch will arrive in Dehradun on January 27, marking the start of the National Games from January 28 to February 14, 2025.