The Ram Lalla priests will now perform rituals in a traditional attire under a newly introduced dress code by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust. As per the guidelines effective from December 25, priests must wear a yellow choubandi (traditional jacket), a white dhoti, and a yellow turban. The trust has also provided two sets of this attire to each priest.
A total of 14 priests, including Chief Priest Acharya Satyendra Das, will adhere to the dress code. These priests have been divided into two groups, with seven priests managing the morning shifts and the remaining seven handling the afternoon-to-evening shifts. The worship responsibilities extend to the Ram Mandir, Kubera Tila’s Shiv Temple, and the Hanuman Temple.
In addition to the dress code, the use of multimedia phones by priests remains prohibited. The trust aims to establish uniformity and ensure easy identification of priests through this initiative.