Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, the political temperature in the capital soared as AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj staged a sit-in protest demanding access to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence.
“Rajmahal” Allegation Against PM Residence
Sanjay Singh referred to the ₹2,700 crore Prime Minister’s residence as a “royal palace,” challenging the BJP to allow the public to see its facilities. He demanded transparency, alleging that the residence includes luxurious amenities like expensive vehicles, chandeliers, and designer suits.
Police Intervention and Escalation
The leaders were stopped by the police from visiting both the CM and PM residences. Heavy barricading and heightened security outside the CM’s residence led the duo to stage their protest on the spot. Later, as they attempted to approach the PM residence, another altercation with police ensued.
Saurabh Bhardwaj accused the BJP of hiding the extravagance of the PM’s residence from the public, claiming the police were preventing transparency.