Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 on January 17 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. The event, India’s largest mobility expo, will run from January 17 to 22 across three venues—Bharat Mandapam, Yasho Bhumi (Delhi), and India Expo Centre & Mart (Greater Noida).
Event Highlights
- 9 Shows and 20+ Conferences: The expo will feature multiple events, conferences, and themed pavilions.
- State-Level Sessions: Special sessions will showcase states’ mobility policies and initiatives.
- Global Participation: The event will host exhibitors and visitors from around the world.
- Organizers: It is being held in collaboration with the Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) India and other partners.
India’s Mobility Boom in 2024
India witnessed an 11.6% growth in automobile sales in 2024, reaching 25 million units.
- Two-Wheelers: Sales surged by 14.5%, crossing 19.5 million units.
- Passenger and Three-Wheelers: Both segments recorded record-breaking numbers.
- Global Ranking: India retained its position as the third-largest car market globally, with vehicle sales hitting historic highs in the last quarter of 2024.