On January 17, Amar Ujala will launch a special campaign to promote road safety, engaging thousands of participants. With messages like “Maa ki Karun Pukar, Mat Badhana Betahasha Raftaar”, women and members of various organizations will raise awareness about following traffic rules.
The initiative will see women at 25 key locations and intersections in Dehradun, holding placards from 11 AM to 12 PM, urging people to abide by traffic laws. Gurmeet Singh, wife of Governor Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh (Retd.), will grace the event as the chief guest.
The program will feature participation from Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, women officials, doctors, lawyers, and representatives from organizations like Bikers Association, Uttarakhand Mahila Manch, and Rotary Club.
The campaign will spread awareness across Dehradun, Mussoorie, Rishikesh, and Vikasnagar, culminating in a rally at Parade Ground, where street plays and special messages will emphasize road safety.