New Delhi: BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj has accused the Delhi government of neglecting Anganwadi and ASHA workers. She highlighted that Anganwadi workers have not received their salaries for the past seven months, while ASHA workers continue to work on a meager stipend of ₹3,000, which has not been revised as per norms.
Meeting with LG Vinay Kumar Saxena
Bansuri Swaraj met Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena to address the grievances of Anganwadi and ASHA workers. She mentioned that the LG listened to her concerns attentively and assured her of a discussion with the Chief Minister on the matter.
Social Media Criticism of AAP Government
Previously, the MP had criticized the AAP government on social media, accusing it of insensitivity towards the issues faced by these workers. She pointed out that the stipulated increase in stipends every three years has not been implemented.
Hope for Resolution
Bansuri Swaraj praised the dedication of Anganwadi and ASHA workers, stating that despite their diligent service, they are being deprived of their rights. After her meeting with the LG, she expressed optimism that a resolution to their issues would soon be reached.