The tragic crash of the Mi-17 V5 helicopter in Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, on December 8, 2021, claimed the life of India’s first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, along with his wife Madhulika Rawat and 13 others. A report presented by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence has identified ‘human error’ as the cause of the accident.
According to the report, the crash was the 33rd accident involving Indian Air Force aircraft and was classified as ‘HE(A)’ or ‘Human Error (Aircrew)’. The report analyzed 34 accidents over the past six years, with 11 incidents occurring in 2018-19 and nine in 2021-22.
The Ministry of Defence assured Parliament that corrective measures have been taken based on recommendations from the Air Force Chief. While most measures have been implemented, some are still in progress.
A total of 14 people were on board the ill-fated helicopter, of whom 13 lost their lives. The incident remains one of the most significant tragedies in Indian military history. The report also provides detailed accounts of past Air Force aircraft accidents and their causes.