Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami inaugurated and laid foundation stones for 50 development projects in Haridwar. During the event organized by the Haridwar-Roorkee Development Authority (HRDA), he also inaugurated the City Sports Complex, built using funds from the Mining Trust Fund.
Key projects include the development of Salier Government Primary School into a model school at a cost of ₹8.88 crore. The City Sports Complex now features a cricket practice pitch and box cricket facility (₹236.51 lakh), lawn tennis court (₹307.75 lakh), futsal court (₹165 lakh), squash court and gym (₹976.74 lakh), and badminton court (₹742.93 lakh).
Additionally, the Maa Mansa Devi Welcome Gate was completed for ₹20 lakh, bringing the total project cost to ₹21.16 crore. Foundation stones were also laid for 183 projects across various municipal bodies in the district, with a combined budget of ₹24.27 crore.