Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 38th National Games in Uttarakhand, emphasizing the significance of sports in India’s development. Addressing athletes and spectators, he highlighted the ‘Green Games’ initiative and the government’s commitment to boosting sports infrastructure.
PM Modi’s Address: A Vision for Sports and Uttarakhand
PM Modi noted that the sports budget has tripled and that efforts are underway to strengthen sporting facilities nationwide. He also encouraged winter tourism in Uttarakhand, stating that the state should look beyond Char Dham Yatra for development. Calling Uttarakhand his “second home,” he expressed his desire to visit during winters.
Jubin Nautiyal’s Performance Faces Crowd Rush
The event featured a captivating performance by renowned singer Jubin Nautiyal, which mesmerized the audience. However, an enthusiastic crowd attempted to move closer to the stage, prompting Jubin to briefly pause the show. He urged spectators to maintain order, emphasizing the historic significance of the occasion for Uttarakhand.