On Republic Day, Uttarakhand’s tableau, themed “Cultural Heritage and Adventure Sports,” will be showcased on Kartavya Path. The tableau was presented at the National Rangshala Camp with performers in traditional attire under the guidance of Joint Director of the Information Department and Nodal Officer, KS Chauhan.
Cultural Highlights
The front section of the tableau features the renowned Aipan art of Uttarakhand. It depicts a woman creating Aipan designs in traditional attire. Made using rice flour and geru (red soil), Aipan is a symbol of the state’s cultural, religious, and social heritage. These designs adorn worship spaces and entryways of homes.
Adventure Sports Showcase
The trailer section highlights adventure sports and tourism activities in Uttarakhand. It includes glimpses of hill cycling in Nainital and Mussoorie, trekking in Kedarkantha and Valley of Flowers, snow skiing in Auli, and thrilling activities like yoga, bungee jumping, zip-lining, and rock climbing in Rishikesh.