In preparation for the 38th National Games, Sports Minister Rekha Arya has instructed officials to provide live, ground-level updates. During a video conference, district sports officials briefed the minister on the progress. The minister emphasized that remaining tasks must now be reported hourly instead of daily, with all work to be completed by the evening of January 22.
Final Touches at Venues
In a review meeting at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, the minister announced that venue managers have been appointed at all locations. Most venues have completed the handover process, with remaining tasks expected to be finalized by January 22. Venue managers are also responsible for the final beautification of the venues.
Engineers to Remain On-Site Until Games End
Junior Engineers (JEs) and Assistant Engineers (AEs) assigned to the venues are required to stay until the conclusion of the games to address any immediate requirements. Additionally, the Water Supply Corporation and other agencies have been directed to complete their work, vacate the premises, and ensure deep cleaning of the venues.
Accountability in Hours
When some officials requested one or two additional days to complete tasks during the video conference, the minister sternly responded, stating that timelines would now be measured in hours, not days, to ensure timely completion of all preparations.