On the eve of Republic Day 2025, President Droupadi Murmu announced the prestigious Padma Awards. From Uttarakhand, 91-year-old Radha Behn Bhatt and the late Hugh and Colleen Gantzer have been recognized with the Padma Shri for their remarkable contributions to literature, education, and journalism.
Radha Behn Bhatt: A Life Dedicated to Social Service
Born on October 16, 1933, in Dhurka village, Almora, Radha Behn Bhatt began her journey in social service at the age of 18. She joined the Lakshmi Ashram in Kausani and played a pivotal role in initiatives such as girls’ education, environmental conservation, Gram Swaraj, anti-liquor movements, and the Chipko Movement.
Radha Behn actively participated in the Bhoodan Movement starting in 1957. Inspired by Sarla Behn, she worked extensively for the empowerment of women and children. In 1975, to mark Sarla Behn’s birthday, she undertook a 75-day padyatra to spread awareness about forest conservation and social issues. Her efforts also included campaigns against mining and hydroelectric projects.
Hugh and Colleen Gantzer: Icons of Journalism
The late Hugh and Colleen Gantzer made significant contributions to the field of literature and journalism in Uttarakhand. Posthumously honored with the Padma Shri, the Gantzer couple’s exemplary work continues to inspire generations.