In a heartfelt Vijay Diwas celebration on Monday, the families of martyred soldiers were honored at a special event held in the Munikireti-Dhalwala area of Rishikesh. The ceremony, organized by the local municipal council, commenced with a collective rendition of ‘Vande Mataram.’
Families of Kargil War martyrs Dinesh Chandra Kumai, Chandra Veer Singh Rawat, and Chandra Prakash Panyuli, along with Narendra Godiyal, who was martyred in Jammu and Kashmir, were recognized for their sacrifices. Sunil Bhagat, Manager of Swaminarayan Ashram, presented them with tokens of respect.
The event featured patriotic cultural performances by students from various schools, including Sivanand Memorial Public School, Swaminarayan Ashram Educational Institute, Purnanand Inter College, Purnanand Public School, and Sanskar Srijan School.
Sunil Bhagat paid tribute to the Indian Army’s sacrifices and commended their service to the nation. Executive Officer Ankita Joshi expressed gratitude to the families of the martyred soldiers for their sacrifices.
Several notable figures, including Manoj Bisht, Ramkrishna Pokhriyal, Sushma Negi, Vandana Thalwal, Meenu Godiyal, Vinod Saklani, Dinesh Bhatt, and Gangaram Baluni, were present at the event.