Justice Guhanathan Narendra has been appointed as the Chief Justice of the Uttarakhand High Court. The official notification was issued by the Ministry of Law following approval from the President of India. The Supreme Court Collegium had recommended his appointment on September 25, 2024.
Justice Narendra began his judicial career at the Karnataka High Court, where he was appointed as a judge on January 2, 2015. On October 30, 2023, he was transferred to the Andhra Pradesh High Court, where he served as the senior-most judge. With extensive experience in judicial and administrative matters, Justice Narendra has established a strong reputation during his career.
His appointment comes after the retirement of former Chief Justice Ritu Bahri on October 10, 2024. Following her retirement, Senior Judge Manoj Tiwari served as the Acting Chief Justice. Justice Narendra’s expertise and contributions to both the Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh High Courts have earned him widespread recognition.