Former Haryana Chief Minister and Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) President Om Prakash Chautala passed away on Friday at the age of 89 in Gurugram. In his honor, the Haryana government has declared a three-day state mourning, with schools and government offices closed on Saturday.
Chautala, who served as Haryana’s Chief Minister five times, died of a cardiac arrest at Medanta Hospital. Despite immediate medical attention, doctors were unable to save him. A prominent figure in Haryana’s politics and son of Chaudhary Devi Lal, Chautala was known for his strong grassroots connections and significant contributions to the state’s political landscape.
His last rites will be performed today at 3 PM in his ancestral village Tejakhera in Sirsa. His mortal remains will be kept for public viewing from 8 AM to 2 PM. Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar are expected to attend the funeral.
Throughout his political career, Chautala achieved many milestones, including serving as an MLA seven times and as a Rajya Sabha MP once. He surpassed his father Devi Lal’s record by serving as Chief Minister five times. However, the INLD’s political influence declined after his imprisonment.
Remarkably, during his time in Tihar Jail in 2019, Chautala completed his 10th-grade exams at the age of 84, later passing his 12th-grade exams as well. This achievement made him a symbol of dedication to education.