Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the 38th National Games on 28th January. Due to security protocols, athletes will be required to enter the stadium four hours prior to the event. This decision was finalized during the meeting of the Games Technical Conduct Committee (GTCC) and Chefs de Mission. Discussions in the meeting also covered arrangements for the march past and other preparations.
Key Highlights:
- March Past Lead: Uttarakhand’s international badminton player Lakshya Sen is likely to lead the march past. Other Olympians and medalists from the state are expected to join him. Official confirmation is awaited.
- Venue Inspections: Preparations at Parade Ground and Maharana Pratap Stadium were reviewed. Chefs de Mission from 20 states visited the venues in Dehradun, while representatives from 10 states participated online.
- Review of Arrangements: Discussions covered accommodations, accreditation, catering, and logistical arrangements for athletes and officials.
Focus on a World-Class Experience
GTCC Chairperson Sunaina Kumari emphasized the goal of delivering a world-class experience for athletes and spectators. Uttarakhand’s Chef de Mission Mahesh Joshi confirmed that the state is fully prepared for the event. Preparations for athletics tracks and shooting venues are in their final stages, promising to leave a legacy of international-standard infrastructure in the state.