In a significant development, primary and junior high school teachers in Uttarakhand might soon receive cashless OPD treatment benefits under the Golden Card scheme. The Directorate of Elementary Education is preparing a proposal to be sent to the government for approval.
Education Director-General Jharna Kamthan has directed departmental officials to expedite the proposal’s preparation. Once approved, over 35,000 teachers across the state will benefit. Currently, the Golden Card scheme only provides cashless treatment for hospital admissions.
Teacher Organizations Highlight Concerns
Vinod Thapa, Provincial President of the Junior High School Teachers’ Association, expressed concerns about the limited benefits under the scheme. He noted that while several hospitals are part of the panel, many fail to honor the Golden Card benefits, and some lack adequate healthcare facilities.
Teachers contribute 10% of their grade pay monthly towards the scheme, but the scope of services remains restricted. The association has urged the Education Director-General to ensure the Golden Card covers all medical expenses, from OPD consultations to hospitalization. If approved, the proposal will bring significant relief to teachers.