On January 20, 2025, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will inaugurate the 85th All India Presiding Officers Conference (AIPOC) in Patna. The two-day conference focuses on the theme: “75 Years of the Constitution: Contribution of Parliament and State Legislatures in Strengthening Constitutional Values.”
Presiding officers from 56 legislatures across India will attend the event. Prominent attendees include Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary, Bihar Assembly Speaker Nand Kishore Yadav, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vijay Kumar Choudhary, and Leader of the Opposition Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, alongside other presiding officers and vice-chairpersons from various states and Union Territories.
The concluding session on January 21, 2025, will be addressed by Bihar Governor Arif Mohammad Khan and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. During the session, Om Birla will release the 8th edition of “Practice and Procedure of Parliament” and inaugurate the NeVA Seva Kendra at the Bihar Assembly complex, aimed at enhancing legislative processes.
Prior to the main event, the 61st Secretaries Conference will be held in Patna on January 19, 2025. It will be inaugurated by Lok Sabha Secretary-General Utpal Kumar Singh and focus on leveraging modern technologies to enhance the productivity of legislative institutions.