Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav arrived in Haridwar on Wednesday to immerse the ashes of his uncle, Rajpal Singh Yadav, in the Ganga. The ceremony will take place at the same spot where the ashes of Mulayam Singh Yadav were immersed.
Akhilesh and his family arrived in Dehradun from Lucknow on Tuesday evening. The immersion ritual is scheduled for 11 AM in Haridwar, following traditional customs. After completing the ceremony, Akhilesh will return to Dehradun and then proceed to Lucknow.
Rajpal Singh Yadav passed away at the age of 73 after a prolonged illness at Gurugram’s Medanta Hospital. His last rites were conducted in the presence of family members and Samajwadi Party leaders.