Dehradun, January 26, 2025 – Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami hoisted the national flag at the Chief Minister’s residence on the occasion of the 76th Republic Day and extended heartfelt greetings to the people of the state. During the event, he administered the Preamble of the Constitution and highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership in building a progressive and empowered India. CM Dhami reaffirmed the state government’s commitment to accelerating development in every sector under the guidance of the central government.
Governor Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh (Retd.) also conveyed his Republic Day wishes, emphasizing India’s multifaceted growth. He stated that the nation is excelling not only in economic and military strength but also in science, technology, sports, and culture. The Governor paid tribute to freedom fighters, martyrs, and the Constitution’s framers.
Highlighting India’s goal of becoming a developed nation by 2047, the Governor mentioned how initiatives like Atmanirbhar Bharat and Make in India have significantly boosted production and exports. He noted India’s emergence as the world’s third-largest startup ecosystem, a testament to the creativity and determination of its youth.
The Governor also acknowledged Uttarakhand’s rapid progress, crediting the government’s efforts and public cooperation for the state’s strides toward becoming one of the leading regions in the country.