For the first time, Uttarakhand is set to conduct a paperless budget session, leveraging the E-Vidhan system at the Dehradun Assembly. While the summer capital’s Bhararisain Assembly in Gairsain is still undergoing the implementation of the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA)—a process expected to take three to four more months—Assembly Speaker Ritu Khanduri Bhushan has requested the government to hold the session in Dehradun instead.
Key Developments
- Dehradun Assembly is fully equipped for an E-Vidhan session, with all preparations complete.
- Bhararisain Assembly is still under construction, with IIT Roorkee working on upgrading the sound system.
- Furniture adjustments and technical enhancements are ongoing in the assembly hall.
Benefits of a Paperless Budget Session
- Faster legislative processes with digital documentation.
- Reduced paper usage, promoting environmental sustainability.
- Increased transparency and efficiency in legislative proceedings.
- Supports the Digital India initiative, enhancing governance through technology.
If the session is held in Dehradun, it will mark a significant step toward modernizing legislative procedures in Uttarakhand.