Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has received a notice from the Election Commission after alleging that the Haryana government had contaminated the Yamuna River. The commission has asked Kejriwal to provide evidence by 8 PM today, warning that such accusations could incite regional tensions and disrupt law and order.
Amit Shah Denies Allegations
Union Home Minister Amit Shah dismissed Kejriwal’s claims, challenging him to prove Haryana’s involvement in polluting the Yamuna. He further accused the AAP government of corruption in liquor, ration, and water board schemes.
Pollution Control Board’s Findings
The Pollution Control Board has collected water samples from the Delhi-Haryana border, sending them for testing in Panchkula. A January 16 report found no toxic substances in the water, stating that it was safe for bathing with no odor or discoloration.