Uttarakhand is set to host the 38th National Games in 2025, beginning on January 28, marking a proud moment for the state’s athletes and sports enthusiasts. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has called upon residents to warmly welcome over 10,000 athletes from across the country by lighting lamps and decorating their homes.
Traditional Welcome Requested
CM Dhami urged women to greet the athletes in traditional attire to showcase the state’s rich culture and heritage. He emphasized that the event’s success depends on the collective participation of citizens, local officials, and sports associations.
Preparations in Full Swing
- The government is making comprehensive arrangements to ensure the event is memorable.
- Officials, representatives, and associations are being mobilized across districts.
- The focus is on providing a positive and enriching experience for all athletes visiting Uttarakhand.
A Special Year for Uttarakhand
The year 2025 also marks the Silver Jubilee of Uttarakhand’s formation, adding to the significance of hosting the National Games. CM Dhami highlighted the event as a symbol of the state’s prosperity and unity, urging everyone to actively participate.