Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed 65 lakh property cards under the SVAMITVA scheme on Saturday via video conferencing. The event witnessed participation from over 50,000 villages across 12 states and union territories. The Prime Minister highlighted that nearly 1.5 crore property cards have been issued in the last five years.
Launched in April 2020, the SVAMITVA scheme aims to provide legal ownership of properties in rural India. PM Modi emphasized that these property cards serve as legal proof of ownership, enabling poverty alleviation and strengthening the rural economy.
Addressing global challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and health crises, the PM stressed that property rights play a vital role in resolving these issues and driving economic growth. The scheme employs modern technology for land surveys and mapping, ensuring transparency and fostering development in rural areas.
PM Modi also underlined that the lack of property rights is a global challenge and resolving this issue is key to achieving prosperity and self-reliance in rural India.